(BSU):Black and Bougie

Firstly I would like to inform you what BSU is. BSU stands for “The Black Student Union”. BSU  is a club organization that brings people of color together. Their motto is “One people. One love. One Destiny. They throw events to get to know each other, and to get to know your peers. They throw events like ( Toxic Therapy, Red table talk, writing letters to incarcerated men, Black and bougie and etc) these events are meant to relax you and kinda take away your mind from work or school work. My first event I attended was The Toxic Therapy event that was presented by “The Hermanos of La Unidad Latina, Lambda upsilon Lambda Fraternity Inc. alongside the sisters of Omega Phi Beta Sorority Inc, Women of color and curly Kinky Coily” where we talked about toxic relationships, which is seen as a red flag to some people. There is a huge difference to how men and women view life and relationships, women are more emotional and intellectual than some men are. During the toxic therapy session where some men and women felt like some women should be a stay at home wife and take care of the kids while the man of the house goes out and provides for the family. One reason why some agreed with this was because of culture and the way they were raised and brought up.  It was amazing to relate to so many people you didn’t know you could relate to, it felt like a getaway from the real world for a minute and to just talk about things mentally that matter. I definitely found out that everyone has a purpose as to what they are here for, some people made it known that they are just in college for their families or that they think college is the only way they can become successful. It was nice knowing I wasn’t the only one who was stressing and feeling like they didn’t belong at some point.

Black and Bougie is an all formal event that BSU throws every year. It is usually a theme that is incorporated into it kinda like a prom or dance. There’s food and drinks that are provided and it gives people a chance to dress nice and loosen up from all the school work and studying everyone is doing. The event happens for everyone that wants to come and dance and have a great time. On feb, 23 2024 at 10:00pm the theme was Masquerade masks were provided and everyone mainly had on black and looked so beautiful. Some people were dancing and talking to each other and getting to know everyone that was there. There was even a  “king and Queen” that would win best dress. Overall the event was nice and made me want to come to more of their events that are happening all throughout the week if you can make it.

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