March 7 Assignment

The Black Power Mixtape

  • Approx. 1 hour 30 mins
  • 2011 Documentary by Swedish filmmakers on the Black Power movement
  • I think you will like it! They interview a number of contemporary Black artists: Talib Kwali, Erykah Badu, Questlove, and more.


Can be accessed through MyRedDragon library tab.


  • Before watching: ask yourself, what do you know about the Black Panther Party and/or the Black Power movement? What ideas, images, or phrases come to mind?
  • While watching the film, record any important quotes that stand out to you.
  • After watching the documentary, please respond to one of the discussion questions below. Read them beforehand so you know what to look for and take notes on.

Instructions for 3/7 Online Class

In order to receive participation credit for our March 7 class, please complete the following: 

  1. Respond to this short mid-semester check-in survey about how the class is going.
  2. Answer a discussion question (leave your response as a comment directly on this blog post) by 11:59 pm on Thursday, March 7.

Discussion Questions

Choose one! In your response, include at least one quote from the film. Aim for one thoughtful paragraph, roughly 200 words. Please leave your response as a comment directly on this post.

  • What was the Black Panther Party? Citing some specific examples from the film, what did they do (what are some actions they performed)? How did this film change your perception of them?
  • What is the difference between the Black Power movement and the Black Panther Party? How do you understand the relationship between the two?
  • In this film, we see a range of different perspectives on violence: while Martin Luther King Jr. believed non-violent tactics could achieve racial justice, many members of the Black Panther Party saw that Black people were being murdered by a white supremacist society, and might need to use force to defend and protect themselves. With reference to some specifics from the film, what do you think about all of this?
  • What is one thing you learned from the film that relates to something we have read or discussed in class?
  • What is one important moment or idea from the film that struck you as particularly interesting or important? Why did you find this aspect of the film so interesting or important? Be as specific as possible.

Have a great spring break!

And don’t forget the next round of readings, blog posts (Michelle and Hannah), and comments for 3/19!


Welcome to Intro to African American Literature! I hope you’re enjoying the last days of break. 

Prior to our first meeting, I wanted to share some instructions for how you can ensure a smooth start to the semester. The main things I would like you to do are :

1) Obtain the three required books for the course. Physical copies are recommended for annotation.

2) Read through the syllabus and schedule. As you do this, start thinking about which readings look most interesting to you so you can sign up to blog for our discussion of that text. 

3) Register for our course website. It’s a work in progress and materials will be added throughout the semester. Instructions for registering can be found in the syllabus. I need to manually approve your registration, which can take a few days, so the sooner you register, the better. Please be sure to write down the username and password you select. 

Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday, January 23! 
