Black History Month Review

During black history month I went to a presentation that Professor Yolanda Clarke held on the negative effects a predominantly white college has on black women and their health. At first I didn’t think I would have found it interesting because I wasn’t able to fully relate to what she was going to say. Which is what I thought at first. But quickly I realized even if you’re not able to relate it does open your eyes to how change is needed. Now that is easier said than done, she brought up a lot of examples of how the racial disparity pushes people of color away from their full potential. And she opened my eyes to soloism. This is when someone is set apart from the group and can’t find anyone who is like them. And this results in a lack of effort and sense of loneliness. And as science proves, people struggle most when they are alone. Not only in tasks but people can even die from prolonged isolation. Just as a baby who grows up with no prenatal care is more likely to die, and babies who are with their mothers regularly are more healthy and more likely to live. And this goes with her next topic, that black women have a shorter life expectancy and this is not only because of the care, but because of the stresses you need to endure while being a black woman. There is no one problem, being a woman and being black is a double edged sword and acts of sexism and racism are targeted towards you. 

With all this in mind there has to be a solution to how to fix them. During the presentation there were people who wanted to learn more and went to understand what they could do to solve these problems. That is a start to how we fix these problems. Allowing for more inclusivity and engagement from the community to understand not to separate people of color. When there are people you feel connected to on a cultural level, it allows for a happier environment. Schools have the budget to give people of color these opportunities but they do not give the resources. This is because they do not believe in black communities to bring their art and inspiration. But there will be no way of knowing if nobody takes the risk, as well as their best foot forward. This must be done by all communities coming together to accommodate for groups that are put to the side. Not only the black community, but all communities that are given unfair opportunities in life. 


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